I spoke to soon.
We bought tickets for today's 11:30am Auburn v. Southern Miss football game a few weeks ago. Brandt and Eric (two of the other visiting 1 year instructors) come over at about 10:30am and lock their bikes at our apartment complex. We walk to Cambridge Coffee to get a caffeine boost and head to the stadium. As we get closer to the stadium, I start to get pretty excited. We are in a sea of orange. People are flocking to the stadium, en mass and we are streaming in right along with them. Once getting through Gate 1, we start the long climb up the ramps that zigzag sharply along the side of the stadium. We catch glimpses of orange and green as we go up and up, finally exiting at the very top. Nosebleed section, big time. We finally walk out into the seating area and bam!
Jordan-Hare Stadium. An amazing view, of the stadium and beyond. Everyone in orange and blue. Ok, some people in the Southern Miss colors of yellow and black, but so few it doesn't ruin the effect. Right when we get to our seats the announcer booms: "Will everyone please direct their attention to sections 110 & 109 [we are sitting in 110] for a special sight! Spirit, the eagle, will now be released for the traditional flight around the stadium!" We look up and here comes a beautiful bald eagle flying over our heads swooping around the stadium before coasting over to the field and diving down to the 50 yard line. A sight to be seen.
The marching band comes onto the field.
Southern Miss runs onto the field. And then...
The AU football team enters. The whole stadium is up and cheering.
The offense is great. Someone, last name of Dunn I believe, wearing the number 3 jersey, is amazing. Weaving through these huge Southern Miss defensive linemen like it is nothing.
The AU defensive line is a force to be reckoned with. Each time the defense comes onto the field the slogan "Protect this house" comes onto the Jumbo Tron.
I start to feel it. The Auburn Tigers are good. Real good. They are amazing. They represent this university and city. They are members of the kick ass SEC (Southeastern Conference) and play at a level of college sport here to wit unknown by me. In this sea of fans, screaming "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaar Eagle, hey!", "Go D!", and "Weagle, Weagle, War Damn Eagle, Kick 'em in the butt big blue!" it is hard not to buy in. After the game, walking back to our apartment I see a T-shirt that says, "Once a Tiger, Always a Tiger." And I know it must be true. I've been inducted into the cult of southern football by AU. All Auburn, All Orange, as the saying goes. I watched that football game with 87, 450 other football fans. We stood in the rain 'til we were soaked to the bone. I cheered until my voice was hoarse. My face is burnt, I am dehydrated and worn out but I'm happy.
War Eagle!
I guess maybe you didn't get the full college football effect at Western. They weren't that good...HaHa I'm glad you had a such a good time and those pictures were really cool!
What have you done with the REAL Bree?? Bree . . . Bree . . . are you all right???? -LOL-
It does sound like fun. And, once you both get your orange tshirts, people will forget that you're yankees.
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