Tuesday, February 03, 2009


I've long neglected writing here, so much so that I had to stop and really think before I could type in the web address.  I hope that this finds our friends and family doing well.  2009 promises to be an interesting year.  Most years seem interesting at the start, don't they?  

Joshua and I are still living here in Alabama.  My initial dedication to keeping our apartment clean is fading and I find that clutter is building up.  The novelty of living in a new apartment has worn off.  

Roller derby has opened an old can of worms.  It is challenging certain ideas I've held about myself, forcing me to take a serious look at my mental processes.  All of this sounds rather dramatic, but I think the end results will be great!  I've long assumed that I would always suffer from a rather crippling performance anxiety.  I want to be good at derby, but will have a hard time succeeding if I don't change my performance mentality.  It is also forcing me to come to terms with a lack of excersising.  For years I've just ingored excersise and mourned the loss of my healthier, thinner high school body.  I've reached a point in my training with derby where I will not improve unless I get off of my butt and work outside of practice.  My desire to be good at derby may just help push me towards a healthier life and body.  I've also gone off sweets for a good few weeks.  It is not as hard as I thought and when I do have something sweet, it hasn't resulted in a major sweet food binge.  Another win for derby!

I've been enjoying getting to know the women on my derby team a little better.  There are some seriously cool ladies skating around the track with me.  I'm meeting with my new friend 9 lb. Hammer...

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